Ishita Sethi
Date of Admission: 2008
Date of call to the NSW Private Bar: 2013
T: +61 2 8284 1036
E: isethi@selbornechambers.com.au
Areas of Practice
Administrative law
Government decisions
Succession & Family Provision
Ms Sethi is an experienced and trusted Australian barrister specialising in the areas of taxation, revenue, commercial, administrative and public law advice and litigation.
She has a track record of successfully representing individuals, high wealth private groups, small to medium business enterprises, large corporates, Not-For-Profit organisations and government agencies such as the ATO and Revenue NSW.
Her experience spans a broad range of areas including all aspects of direct and indirect tax and revenue law including income tax, CGT, FBT, land tax, stamp duty, payroll tax and SMSFs.
She also has significant experience in advising on and appealing against Ministerial and Government decisions, trusts, estates, family provision, family property settlements, succession, bankruptcy and on commercial litigation.
Ms Sethi appears in various jurisdictions including the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal, the Supreme Court of New South Wales, NSW Court of Appeal, Federal Court of Australia and Federal Circuit Court of Australia and in the High Court of Australia.
She has obtained a Master of Taxation (MTax) from the University of Sydney, a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of NSW and holds the designation of Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA) with The Tax Institute.
Ms Sethi is a Sessional Academic on Statutory Interpretation with the LEC at the University of Sydney and has delivered a number of papers through professional legal CPD providers, the NSW Bar Association and Community Legal Centres in relation to various areas of law.
In appropriate circumstances, Ms Sethi is available to accept direct access briefs.

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