Peter Berg
Date of Admission: 2017
Tel: +61 2 8029 6439
Fax: +61 2 9231 3320
Areas of Practice
Administrative Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Equity & Property
Family Law
Foreign Judgments
Immigration & Citizenship
Personal Injury
Successions & Trusts
Peter accepts briefs in all areas of law and appears in courts Nationally.
Prior to coming to the Bar, Peter was a lawyer at the Department of Immigration. He advised on over 200 matters in the Federal Courts, notably on appeal cases SZMOK v Minister for Immigration and SZNSP v Minister for Immigration. He also advised on merits review of character and citizenship matters in the AAT.
Peter conducted refugee law training nationally, for primary decision makers and executives of the Department.
Peter Berg Assists with Natural Justice letters to the Department of Home Affairs, which are requested when a person must comment on information. As the Natural Justice Letter is the first step to a person keeping their Visa and this information can lead to a Visa refusal or cancellation, Peter Berg prepares and reviews Natural Justice Letters in detail and provides his clients with specific advice on what their next steps should be.
He was awarded the Gross Prize for Human Rights Law during his university studies.
Recent Cases
Taylor and Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs (Migration) [2024] AATA 205 (16 Feb 2024) : The Tribunals decision under review was set aside, and in substitution, the mandatory cancellation of the Applicant’s visa was revoked.
R v Byung Uk Cho 2020 15378, ACT Magistrates’ Court: The Court dismissed all 27 sequences of the indictable offence, obtain property by deception.
Jung and Minister for MICMSMA (Migration) [2020] AATA 256 (21 Feb 2020): The Tribunal decided to revoke the Section 501 cancellation of the Applicant’s visa.
Seo and Minister for Home Affairs (Citizenship) [2019] AATA 3649 (19 Sep 2019): The Tribunal directed that the Applicant meets the requirements of section 21(2)(h) of the Australian Citizenship Act 2007.
R v Gatt (No 6) [2018] NSWSC 487: Appeared unled against senior counsel. The precedent that settlement negotiations (including criminal plea bargaining) can have client legal privilege (Section 119 Evidence Act).

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